Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hack any android phone remotely using ip only


What is Phonesploit?

Phonesploit is a python based script which uses the adb exploit . By using adb this script makes things very easy for hacking any android phones

Through this article i will teach you how you can hack into android phone using only IP address .Use it on your own device dont do it to others without their permissions .

Step-01: Installing Phonesploit on your system 

  • Fire up Linux and open terminal and type the following commands  to clone the Phonesploit repo into linux os 
                         git clone 
  • open   Phonesploit  directory by using this command 
                                                                    cd PhoneSploit
  • TO install it type    pip install colorama 
  • Now type python2 to run the script 

                                       It should look like this if you run the script

Step-02:Finding vulnerable Devices using shodan


  • Now run the phonesploit script and select option 3 which is connect a new device 

  • Write the ip address which you copied from shoodan and hit enter .
  • then it will show connected to (given ip)

Now select any options  1-15 and do what ever you desire . you can install an app remotely and turn off phone and many other things .

Please be aware that hacking is illegal unless you have permission from the account owner and the parties involved. This post should be used as a tool to help people understand how hackers are hacking android devices by adb server. Hax or (we) shall not be held responsible if any criminal charges are brought against any person who misuses the information on this website to violate the law.